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Shin-ya Koyama

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Chiharu Kaminishi (MS, March 2004)


Asako Nakamura (MS, March 2004)


Hirofumi Nagoshi (Ph.D, March 2001)

·         Spectra of arithmetic infinite graphs and their application, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, 7 (2001), 67-76.

·         Selberg zeta functions over function fields, Journal of Number Theory, 90 (2001), 207-238.

·         On arithmetic infinite graphs, Proceeding of the Japan Academy 76, Ser. A (2000), 22-25.


Maki Nakasuji (Ph.D, March 2003)

·         (with T. Arakawa and S. Koyama) Arithmetic forms of Selberg zeta functions with applications to prime geodesic theorem, Proceedings of the Japan Academy 78, Ser. A (2002), 120-125.

·         Error term of prime geodesic theorem, Analytic and Probabilistic Methods in Number Theory, 2002.

·         Prime geodesic theorem via the explicit formula of Ψ for hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Proceeding of the Japan Academy 77, Ser. A (2001), 130-133.

Shin-ya Koyama

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